Monday 4 April 2016

Links I've liked this week

While I try to get myself back into writing regularly and getting my blog properly up and running, I've decided to do a weekly 'links I've enjoyed' type post. The subject matters will likely be fairly wide-Christianity, baby names, organisation, politics...

I follow some blogs that have such weekly link based posts and am always interested in why they posted them, so will try and explain each of mine too. I'll also post my photo of the week just so the post doesn't get lost in text! 

This is a lighthearted one to start off. I don't have any living grandparents but love the idea of having a regular FaceTime date with an elder relative. I also think it's lovely to see this Grandma's style and creativity. I suspect she enjoyed being able to select outfits for her granddaughter who can wear them. Maybe Grandma feels at her age she can't wear them even though she likes these outfits herself. She has more style than I do!

So, I've recently started bullet journaling (my next post will likely be all about this!) and I've discovered Hal is a bit of a legend for some dedicated bujo people. Hal's book 'The Miracle Morning', suggests a simple routine to do first thing in the morning called 'SAVERS'. It uses 6 practices - silence, affirmations, visualisation, exercise, reading and scribing - and Hal swears this will help you get the best out of your day. Thing is, each practice only takes a minute, so it really is easily implemented. I haven't yet tried it but, you know, I've read it which is as good as my intentions get these days! 

Told you baby names would get in here! Love this post and love the outcome, which I won't spoil here. I was convinced they'd all have boys but thankfully not! As someone who is really into names I tend to think first one there gets to use a name, but you can't really lay claim to a name anyway so nothing is really stopping someone coming after you using it. It does depend on the rarity of the name though. I mean, if a close friend or family member wanted to use a name we had used but it was number 3 in the country (as Daniel was in 2012 when we named him) then it's hardly something we can say no to. If it had been something unusual though, I guess it would feel like 'ours'. Anyway, a fun story to read!

I'm a big Rachel Held Evans fan. I grew up with plenty of Christian friends and read lots and lots of books and went to as many conferences as I could in my teens and early twenties and would say I formed a fairly conservative theology in some areas. Anyway, Rachel's blog got me thinking about some of my opinions and whether they stood up to how my faith and understanding of the Bible has grown. This post discusses the complimentarian approach to male-female roles. Our approach to parenthood has been direct, equal and it works. I'm realising more and more (after 8 years of marriage!) that men prefer direct communication and if I continue to be indirect about matters of faith or finances or whatever to ensure Colin remains the 'leader' of the relationship then I do us both a disservice, and I believe our relationship is better off when we are equals who work together to lead our family. 

Photo of the week is the fun of an Easter Egg hunt for a child who can't read-my fabulously talented sister in law drew clues for Daniel to follow to find the next egg and he loved it. As did my family (we didn't do egg hunts growing up!) who followed him around excitedly taking photos! He hasn't eaten any of the eggs, in fact I'm not sure he knows what they are but he enjoyed the afternoon's fun in the garden! 

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